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Meet Your 2023-24 WSHSMUN Officers!


Max Laumann

Secretary General

I served in Model UN for four years, previously as the 10th grade then 11th grade representative. Model UN was really helpful in developing my speaking skills and cultivating my interest in global issues. I will be attending Vanderbilt University in the fall and I am excited for the future of the club!


Garrett Mcneill

Vice Secretary General

Our current magnificent Sec Gen Max recruited me to MUN my sophomore year, and I haven't looked back since. My favorite memory from MUN is meeting all the members over the last 3 years and getting to know each one of them. I will be attending the University of Alabama this fall.


Chitkala Ali

Development Director

I have been a member of Model UN since ninth grade. My favorite meetings have been when we prepare for conferences with silly debate topics. This practice has immensely improved my public speaking and debate skills. I am still undecided on which university I am attending, and I am very excited for the future of this club!


Peter Shi

Communications & Logistics Officer

Hello MUNions!! My name is Peter Shi and I am currently an almost graduated senior. My favorite MUN memory has got to be the Rhodes Conference. I will be attending the University of Indiana Bloomington to study finance :)


Adaria Crutcher

11th Grade Representative

I am Adaria and I serve as the 11th grade representative. My favorite MUN memory is talking to the incoming 11th and 10th MUN members and training them to be adequate MUN delegates.

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Aditi Arunprakash

10th Grade Representative

Hi!! I am Aditi and I am your 10th grade representative. I joined WSHS MUN last year and I loved interacting with the other delgates in MUN. I look forward to the next two years in MUN and hope to grow MUN as a club.


Rishabh Sen

Financial Officer

I am Rishabh and I am your 2023-2024 financial officer. You could say I'm good at numbers so I'll make sure your funds are put to good use. My favorite Model UN memory is attending the Rhodes Conference. 

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