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Simone Kester

Secretary General Candidate

Hi everyone! I am running for Secretary General for the 2024-2025 school year. To start, I’ve been in MUN for three years now. I’ve also been 10th Grade Representative in the past and worked hard to make sure delegates were prepared for conferences and were confident in their abilities. As your Secretary General I will do my best to have us 1. do two conferences (one local/WSHSMUN and one out-of-town); 2. have more meetings; and 3. remake club materials (Power Points and club fair board) so training meetings run more smoothly and we can stand out more at Freshman Orientation and Club fair. These actions will fuel my main goals which are to increase retention and make Model UN a fun place where people want to be. I hope you will consider me for Secretary General.


Adaria Crutcher

Secretary General Candidate

Hi! My name is Adaria and I am running for the position of Secretary General. I have
been a part of Model UN since my freshman year of high school. MUN was the first club
that I joined at White Station and truly has helped me grow as a public speaker. I have
fostered so many amazing friendships and learned how to make my point known and
heard while speaking about political issues. My goal as Secretary General is to make
sure students leave this club as better public speakers, as more confident individuals,
as people who have made friendships that will guide them throughout high school.
ModelUN has been my home for three years and I cannot wait to spend my fourth and
final year as your Secretary General. Thank you!!

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