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Sample Position Papers

Anchor 6

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Australia (Security Council)

ISIS/Russia and Ukraine

"As the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria continues to grow in its membership and international threats, Australia feels the need to become active in countering this militant group and its destructive actions. Australia itself has fallen victim to the heinous crimes committed by ISIS, and has dedicated itself to the international resistance to the terrorist group. Not only is their attack on innocent citizens of countries who oppose them appalling and morally incorrect for any religion, but their methods of assassination are..."

Barkiyaruq (Joint Crisis Islamic World)

Turkish Succession Crisis, Trade in the Middle East

 "After Malik Shah’s death, chaos arose in the Islamic World because of his brother and many sons fighting for power. This chaos caused the empire to weaken. All the allies started to realize that the Seljuk Empire would play a big role in this. They began to argue about combining the lands leaving the overall authority with less power or to leave the lands disjointed making it easier for invasion. This civil war tempted outside forces to take over Turkish Lands. Barkiyaruq was one of Malik Shah’s young and inexperienced sons..." 

Belgium (DISEC)

Disarment and Nuclear Nonproliferation, Cyberterrorism 

"The threat of nuclear weapons has the potential to do a massive amount of damage in the world. Since the bombing of Hiroshima by the United Sates, the use of nuclear weapons has been debated to potentially leading to “global suicide”. Already, nuclear weapons are causing tensions between countries such as Russia and the US over the Ukraine issue as well as India and Pakistan over Kashmir. Tensions like these between countries that have access nuclear weapons are major issues to which an effective solution..."

Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

The Dark Lord's Rising

"As one of the few loyal servants who remained by the Dark Lord’s side, I had no doubt that the Dark Lord would rise once again. In order to assist the Dark Lord in accomplishing his mission to seek the prophecy and become as the greatest wizard our world has ever had, it is imperative we prepare for the inexorable war against the Order. We must attend to Harry Potter’s fate, exploit the Ministry of Magic’s weaknesses, and recruit comrades for the battle. The Dark Lord’s resurrection will turn the tables of the wizarding..."

Eritrea (LEGAL)

Drones, Internet Censorship

"The use of unarmed areal vehicles, also known as drones, is an important issue. They have been used for warfare since they were invented. Some benefits to using them are that they are very safe for the country operating them. Because a pilot can operate the aircraft from an extensive distance, there is virtually no danger to the pilot. UAV’s can be operated manually or automatically. Although these machines are what the United States uses in almost any situation, most countries use drones when the mission would be a huge..."

Eritrea (SOCHUM)

Press Censorship, Prostitution

"Eritrea, a nation that has been submerged in a thirty-year civil war and instability for its entire history, has only recently tasted the freedom of independence. Press censorship in Eritrea is on par with that strictest forms seen around the world. With the introduction of modern-day technology, such as the internet and cell phones, the press censorship has become exponentially more difficult. However, new ways are being developed to interfere with the free flow of information in today’s society. There has been..."

France (ECOSOC)

Climate Change, Non-communicable Diseases, Food Security

The issue of climate change is of great concern in international political, social, economic, and environmental agendas, with the former two being the most addressed. Combating climate change seems to have the effect of preventing economic growth and development, since it is estimated that the total global demand for electricity will grown over 70% by 2035 as reported by the IEA “World Energy Outlook” of 2012. With an outlook on the possibility of such great economic... 

Futura (Hunger Games)

75th Hunger Games

"Futura, Representative of District 3, would like to address the issue at hand. By disregarding the precedent of having only one victor, and crowning both Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark as victors of the 74th Hungers Games, we run into a potential threat that can have drastic effects on not just the Capital, but all of Panem. Though seen as an act of love, the victors' choice of simultaneously committing suicide can and may also be seen as an act of defiance by the citizens. This defiance can produce a ripple effect that will..."

Germany (Potsdam)

Territorial Changes in Germany, Denazification, Japan

"Even after the devastating effects of the war, it seems that most countries are willing to fight over land again. It is about time delegates demarcate concrete borders in Europe to cease any further controversies. The bitterness from the war seems to be still hovering over many countries. These countries seem to believe that Germany does not deserve any land claims or rights in the international, since Germany caused the war. But what many forget to consider is that World War II, which was a direct result of the..."

Greece (SPECPOL)

Ethnic Violence in Nigeria, Exploitation of Migrant Workers, Responsibility to Protect, Issue of Kashmir

"The West African nation, Nigeria, has attracted attention due to extreme violence and tension between its different ethnic groups.  A major fight as recent as Dec 2013 has captivated global attention due to the atrocities that were reported. This dispute, which has been going on for more than a decade, has been mainly concentrated in the region called Middle Belt, a cultural fault line, which divides the North (Muslim) and the South (Christian) region. The main ethnic groups of Nigeria are the Hausa-Fulani which are..."

Iran (DISEC)

Disarment and Nuclear Nonproliferation,Cyberterrorism

"The introduction of nuclear technology during World War II has since led to the creation of the International Atomic Energy Agency which regulates and discusses any issues on nuclear technology. The IAEA passed the NPT, or nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, in 1968 which enabled the IAEA to have the authority to police nuclear activities of member countries. The NPT now bans all member states except the five global powers from having nuclear weapons and “commits those five states to eventually eliminating their atomic..."

Iran (LEGAL)

Drones, Internet Censorship

"On the third day of Barack Obama’s presidency, a CIA drone crushed a house in Pakistan. Later that same day, another drone crushed yet another house. In both attacks, more than fourteen civilians have died. “Obama had told the world ‘that America is a friend of each nation, and every man, woman, and child who seeks a future or peace and dignity.’” Obama has initiated over 390 surreptitious drone attacks in his first five years in office. Killing more than 2,400 people, drones have proved to be lethal. Drones are..."


Press Censorship, Prostitution

"Press censorship has become a growing issue with the use of technology familiarized with everyone, with computer literacy being more prevalent as time passes by.  Iran remains a religiously dominated state, so censorship is an issue when concerned with the leaders maintaining security in the Republic. Iran is ranked 191 with a rating of 92 out of 100 on how it censors press freedom, as national security remains a priority but still ceases to reach the depths of censorship that countries like Eritrea and North Korea go to..."


Ethnic Violence, Migrant Workers, National Soverignty, Kashmir

"Nigeria has been one of the most populous African countries, with more than one-hundred twenty-nine million people. Controlled by the British until 1960, Nigeria has been ruled by an army regime until present time. At the same time, the country has been thrown into turmoil over various conflicts. Over two-hundred fifty different ethnicities, such as the Hausa, Yoruba, and the Igbo, and three major religious groups, with Islam being the largest, reside in Nigeria. Religious, ethnical, economical, and political conflicts are prevalent in this society..."

Kilij Arslan (The Crusades)

The Turkish Succession Crisis, Trade in the Middle East

"Following the death of Sultan Malik Shah was chaos in a form of disarray within the Islamic world. The Turkish Empire was now in a state of uncertainty of the new successor. Because there were an innumerable number of potential rulers, the empire was crumbling and destroying the foundations built upon by Malik Shah. One of these powerful men in the Islamic world- Sultan of Rum Kilij Arslan - was kept as hostage by Malik Shah. Upon his release, hewas able to conquer a significant portion of Turkey, eventually placing..."

Korea (Security Council)

East China Sea, Human Trafficking

"The situation in the East China Sea is not new. It’s been going on since WWII, when the United States occupied Japan after their surrender in 1945. When the United States ended their occupation, there was no official allocation of the territory within the sea to Japan or any other country. Naturally, China claims these island chains as theirs, as they did historically belong to the Chinese Empire, but Japan claims them as theirs since they were never included in peace negotiations between Japan and the US, thus never liberating..."

Kyrgystan (DISEC)

Future of Internet, Cyber Attacks

"The usage of the internet has become a disruptive problem in the areas of Kyrgyzstan, due to the many controversial articles regarding the religion of Islam. As of 2014, Kyrgyzstan's population is 86.3% Islamic, and as a result is very protective of its beliefs. Its usage of the internet itself started to expand around the start of the 2000s, growing from 3,000 users to 263,000 in 1999 to 2005 and has grown by the thousands up to current day. Due to this, Kyrgyzstan has made the decision to censor subjects regarding ideas of racism..."

Laventry Beria (Potsdam Conference)

Territorial Changes in Germany, Denazification, Japan

"Following this recent war, the territories acquired by Germany during the war must be partitioned. The fate of these assorted areas must be determined by this committee and it is important that mutual cooperation ensues to ensure that such partitioning happens. The issues of Polish territory and the borders of Germany are among the main issues here.As Minister of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union[1], I believe that my duties lie more within maintaining and ensuring the safety of The Soviet Union..."

Lebanon (DISEC)

Cyber Terrorism, Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the Middle East, Securing Radioactive

"The Republic of Lebanon recognizes that accessing cyberspace is an integral part of communications between worlds and civilizations, facilitating the inevitability of cyber warfare and terrorism. Incidentally, cyber hacking has alerted cognizant nations to implement safeguards to protect the security and sovereignty of countries around the world. Cyber terrorism is typically caused by terrorist organizations or individuals who intend to disrupt information systems to create alarm and anxiety among the people of victimized..."

Richard Gerstell (Kecksburg UFO Commission)


"Although it is our role as a commission to understand the unidentified object that has landed in Kecksburg, our first priority must be responding to this danger as we would any other: beginning with risk analysis, then moving directly to civilian aid. In the case of the crash in Kecksburg, the high amounts of radiation poisoning are extremely dangerous (as evidenced by my work at Bikini Atoll in 1946) and demand immediate evacuation. As the founding director of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, the safety of the people of Pennsylvania is my primary concern. The sooner an evacuation can be ordered and the crisis localized, the sooner the situation can be resolved..."

Russia (DISEC)

Disarment and Nuclear Nonproliferation, Cyberterrorism 

"As today’s energy superpower, the Russian Federation is one of the largest oil and electricity producers and exporters with the largest reserves of energy and natural gas resources in today’s world. Out of the five nuclear-weapon nations including China, France, the UK, and the U.S., Russia has access to the largest supply of weapons of mass destruction. Our defense industry creates its own military equipment exporting weapon sales to eighty countries. Strengthening the 2001 Sino-Russian Treaty of..."

Russia (LEGAL)

Drones, Internet Censorship

"Recently the United States of America has been using unmanned aerial vehicles to combat terrorism in Pakistan. This has been a controversial topic in the news. Although this technology is very accurate and does not cause any harm to American soldiers, a minor miscalculation could cause civilian casualties. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism uncovered that since US' drone attack on Pakistan beginning on January 23, 2009, more than 2,400 people have died. Many countries have spoken out against this.The UN..."

Theodore Nott (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

The Dark Lord's Rising

"As the fates have aligned in our power, the Dark Lord has risen. He has come to claim his title as the greatest dark wizard of our time, and we shall and will accommodate him in every need. As the pressing times between the Order and the Dark Lord proceed, one thing is clear: war is inevitable. These crucial moments will define the wizarding world forever. The resurrection of the Dark Lord marks the beginning of a new eraThe first object of business to be handled is Harry Potter. Many have asked me what we are to do..."

Thomas Hinman Moorer (Nixon's Cabinet)

Vietnam War, Economy, Drugs, Latin America, Sino-American Relations

"Thomas Hinman Moorer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff represents his views inside of Nixon’s cabinet. He has been a pillar of military achievement in the Navy for over 39 years, earning the rank of an Admiral as well as being awarded numerous military achievements, including a Silver Star, a Purple Heart, 5 Navy Distinguished Service Medals, and a Distinguished Flying Cross. 1He was appointed by Richard Nixon to this position on the Second of July, 1970. Because of his long service in the military, Moorer believes..."

Turkey (SPECPOL)

Ethnic Violence in Nigeria, Exploitation of Migrant Workers, Responsibility to Protect, Issue of Kashmir

"After 1960, Nigeria was an independent country with many different religious groups and ethnicities. In Nigeria, there are three major religions: the Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo. These three groups divided the country and plunged it into civil war.  Since then, Nigeria has been unstable and lately violence has broken out in Nigeria. The UN has not done much on this topic and has not pass... "

Ukraine (DISEC)

Cyber Terrorism, Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the Middle East, Securing Radioactive Sources

"With the dawn of the Information Age, international infrastructure has grown increasingly reliant on complex computer systems. With this reliance comes the threat of cyberterrorism and cyber warfare. Ukraine finds cyber warfare alarming. After the Russian attacks on Estonia and Georgia, Ukraine fears that the Russian Federation will continue its history of cyberterrorism. In its support of the Crimean rebel army, Russia has increased its armed forces and significantly amplified its cyber warfare capabilities..."

United Arab Emirates (SOCHUM)

Female Empowerment, Word Heritage Sites, Syrian Refugees

"Gender inequality is a large factor in inadequate access to education, where females are more often disadvantaged than males. Gender inequality is multifaceted; this inequality often leads to detrimental issues such as poverty, early marriage and pregnancy, and gender-based violence.1 Traditional values about the status and role of women result in gender inequality in education; several countries have cultures that discourage the growth of women, especially those in the East. The lack of education prevents women from owning property, working, and making decisions for their own lives..."

United States of America (WHO)

Social Determinants of Health, Immunization, Ethics and Health, School and Youth Health

"The Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health adopted by the World Health Organization attempts to improve public heath while decreasing health inequities between countries. The following are important organizations and programs that were founded in the United States in an attempt to improve public health without inequalities: Affordable Care Act, Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, and Alliance for Health Reform, etc. When looking at the United States, Hawaii may be the healthiest area to live..."

United States Agency for International Development (NGO Forum)

Great East Japan Earthquake

"Results of the cataclysmic Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, were disastrous causing extensive damage to the mainland of Honshu. The earthquake itself triggered a series of 33 feet high tsunami waves. Consequently, it then affected and sparked a serious, catastrophic nuclear accident. The subsiding of the waves and shocks did not signal an end to disaster. Instead, major areas of land still remained submerged, increasing casualties. After only two weeks of the disaster, the death toll amounted to more than..."

Zimbabwe (SOCHUM)

Indigenous Populations, Freedom of Expression and Access to the Media, Human Rights, Minority Rights

"Spanning across a total of 70 countries, there are approximately 370 million indigenous people. Over the course of history, these indigenous populations have seen their lands snatched away from them, have suffered the unfair distribution of their own resources, and have been targeted for mass assaults and massacres. Indigenous people are finding survival difficult and are in need of our assistance in order to rectify the situation. Ensuring the rights of indigenous people is a topic that Zimbabwe feels very strongly about..."

Zimbabwe (WHO)

Social Determinants of Health, Immunization, Ethics and Health, School and Youth Health

"As a result of the terrible cholera outbreak that affected Zimbabwe in recent years (2008-2010), we have a profound interest in studying and addressing the social determinants of health. The cholera epidemic affected 89% of the country, with a mortality rate four times higher than the WHO considers acceptable. In the midst of the crisis, we understood that poverty and its attendant issues (lack of education, lack of sanitation, cultural practices, and lack of infrastructure) were contributing in great measure to the severity and reach..."

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