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Development Director

Aditi Arunprakash

Development Director Candidate

Hi everyone! My name is Aditi Arunprakash and I am running for Development Director for the upcoming school year. I have been a member of WSHS Model UN since freshman year. In these two years I have participated and won awards in all the conferences that our club has been to including the ones that we hosted. I am also at meetings frequently and I enjoy coming to them and getting to see and work with everyone there. In addition to actively participating and coming to meetings and conferences I have also been the Sophomore Representative which has given me experience with being a MUN officer. I believe that my experience will allow me to effectively lead meetings, answer questions, and help new delegates learn the ropes of MUN. I hope that I can help our club succeed through this position, and I hope I have your vote!

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Saviana Wakefield

Development Director Candidate

Hello everyone! My name is Saviana Wakefield and I am running for the positions of development director and communications and Logistics Director. I am a great candidate for both positions because of my many years of experience in communication and leadership. From securing interviews with strangers to talking to potential donors during fundraisers to advising and working with parents, I know what it takes to properly communicate and the importance of this in driving our mission forward. 

I also know how important it is to have an officer that is relatable and able to understand the challenges that arise with being a member of Model UN. As a newcomer to the art of MUN, I know what it feels like to be afraid to participate or to boldly assert your position on controversial topics. That is why I am extremely grateful to have had my first conference this year, which reaffirmed my belonging in this club. This newfound dedication is something I would love to share and help nourish within other members of the club who, like I did, may feel afraid to speak out or unsure about their knowledge of parliamentary procedures. I see you, and I WILL ensure that your voice is heard.

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Alzahra Altareb

Development Director Candidate

Learning the parliamentary procedures of Model UN can be difficult, so can understanding what your specific role or topic is. The development director helps train Model UN members to be delegates participating in conferences. This is why the role of development director is so important and why only someone who is intuitive and experienced can fulfill it to the highest degree. I attended the MidSouth Model United Nations Conference at Rhodes, where I won the Outstanding Delegate award, essentially the best award that can be given for each delegation. More importantly, attending my first conference has taught me what to expect from conferences and thus the best way to prepare others for it. All the questions I had are now questions that I can answer and concepts I can teach to others. So whether you’re planning on attending your first conference or just looking to attend more, I’m the best fit, so vote Zahra Altareb for Development Director! 


The 11th grade representative serves as a mediator for communication between officers to 11th graders. Considering that I am not only diligent and organized but also experienced, I am the best fit for the job. Vote Zahra for 11th grade representative.

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